The Romance Levels Quiz

Dear Lovestar,

I created The Romance Level Quiz to help readers understand their romantic inclinations. I might consider creating a quiz to shed light on your partner’s romantic level.

Why take my quiz

Taking the “Determine your Romantic Level” quiz can be a valuable and enlightening experience for readers for several reasons:

1. **Self-Reflection:** By exploring your romantic inclinations through the quiz, you can gain insight into your own attitudes and behaviors towards romance. Understanding your romantic level can help you better understand yourself and your relationship preferences.

2. **Relationship Awareness:** Learning about different romance levels can increase your awareness of the various ways people approach romantic relationships. This knowledge can help you understand your partner better and navigate relationships more effectively.

3. **Personal Growth:** Exploring the different romance levels and their associated characteristics can serve as a catalyst for personal growth and development. You may identify areas where you want to cultivate more romance in your life or learn how to strike a balance between romance and practicality.

4. **Relationship Enhancement:** Armed with a deeper understanding of your own romantic level and the different approaches to romance, you can work towards enhancing your relationship. You can use the insights gained from my quiz to communicate your needs and desires more effectively and create a more fulfilling romantic connection with your partner.

5. **Educational Resources:** I intend to develop informative and educational resources for each romance level that will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips for enhancing your love life and improving your romantic relationships. These resources can cover topics such as communication skills, romantic gestures, maintaining intimacy, and navigating relationship challenges. Ask for help in the comments.

Overall, taking the quiz and exploring the different romance levels can be a steppingstone towards personal growth, relationship enhancement, and a deeper understanding of romance and love.

If you have not taken the quiz yet, click on this link and find out your romance level and what it means about you.

Take my Romance Level Quiz and find out your level

Resources and tools for the different romance levels I’ve created so far:

Heart Harmony romantic poetry and how I got his attention as an Eternal Flame Romantic 🔥

The romance level quiz. I am an Eternal Flame & my lover is a Heart Harmony romantic.

Dear Lovestar,

The Romance Level Quiz by Eve Lovestar

I created this quiz to help you determine your romantic level 😉. I have identified 3 levels of romantics:

  1. The extreme romantic: The Eternal Flame romantics: We breathe and eat romance. 46 to 60 points
  2. The secret romantic: Heart’s Harmony romantics: They think romance but don’t talk it. 26 to 45 points
  3. The least romantic: Calm Waters romantics: Are they even romantic? 12 to 25 points

Why take my quiz

Understand your partner better and understand how much romance they can handle. Get inspired.

With an understanding of your own romantic level versus your partner, you can work towards enhancing your relationship. You can use the insights gained from my quiz to communicate your needs and desires more effectively and create a more fulfilling romantic connection with your partner.

I intend to develop informative and educational resources for each romance level that will provide you practical tips for enhancing your love life. These resources will cover topics such as communication skills, romantic gestures, maintaining intimacy, and navigating relationship challenges. Ask for help in the comments.

Overall, taking the quiz and exploring the different romance levels can be a steppingstone towards personal growth, relationship enhancement, and a deeper understanding of romance and love.

Take this quiz and figure out how romantic you are ❤️ 😍 💖

1. If you are in a garden for an event, what’s your first thought?
   a) The flowers are beautiful and may remind you of someone special. You enjoy their beauty, take pictures, and even smell them.
   b) “Flowers are nice, but they’re just plants.” You don’t care if you are a garden or not.
   c) You do not like flowers. You avoid them, make sure nobody takes pictures of you at the garden, and leave as soon as possible.

2. You’re walking in the rain with someone you care about. What crosses your mind?
   a) “This is so romantic, like a scene from a movie.” You imagine yourself dancing in the rain. You slow down and enjoy the experience.
   b) “I hope we don’t get too wet and wish you had an umbrella.” You walk faster.
   c) “I do not like the rain. My hair is wet. ” You might get upset or run to safety.  

3. What’s your reaction when you see someone reading a love poem in public?
   a) “How beautiful! I wish I could express myself like that.” You stop and listen, maybe record them and tip them. Tears may appear if you resonate with the poem.
   b) “That’s a bit cheesy for my taste.” You ignore it and continue on your way.
   c) “I wonder if they’re doing that for attention.” You shake your head, and you might judge them.

4. Imagine you receive a heartfelt handwritten letter. How do you feel?
   a) Warmth and appreciation, it’s such a thoughtful gesture. You feel special and save the letter for as long as possible.
   b) It’s nice, but an email would have been quicker. How much time did they spend on this? You might feel obligated to keep it for a while but eventually might lose it.
   c) Mild surprise, handwritten letters are rare these days. This much work for something going in the trash! You might not even complete reading it. If it’s cutesy, you will roll your eyes.

5. How do you feel about stargazing with a romantic partner?
   a) It’s incredibly romantic, a chance to connect under the vast night sky. I’d hold hands and slowly lean into them. Eventually, we’d share a kiss, and an I love you.
   b) It sounds okay, but I’m not sure it’s worth the effort. I would rather stay in and watch a movie or even do the dishes, which sounds like a better use of our time.
   c) Will there be bugs? Eww. Let’s not.

6. What’s your reaction to witnessing a marriage proposal in a public place?
   a) “How magical! I hope they have a lifetime of happiness.” You take pictures, congratulate them, and tell everyone on social media.
   b) “That’s a bit too public for my taste.” You look away and try to ignore it.
   c) “I wonder if they planned this just for social media.” You think they will not last together.

7. How do you feel about cuddling while watching a movie?
   a) It’s the perfect way to feel close and connected and the only way to watch a movie. I watch movies just to cuddle.
   b) It’s okay, but sometimes I get uncomfortable. Or it will lead to more.
   c) I prefer to sit apart and focus on the movie. This is movie time. Cuddle time is always tomorrow.

8. What’s your ideal way to spend Valentine’s Day?
   a) A romantic dinner followed by a moonlit walk. Home-cooked meals, red dresses, poetry performances, romantic music, and special gifts. Every year is different!
   b) It’s just another day, nothing special. We will enjoy some intimate moments, that’s all!
   c) I make the point of doing nothing romantic on that day. I also don’t know the date it’s celebrated on. I also never do anything romantic…

9. You receive an unexpected gift from someone you’re dating. How do you react?
   a) With genuine delight and gratitude. I immediately thank them, and they know I loved it!
   b) It’s nice, but I’m not sure how to respond. They might not know if I liked their gift.
   c) I feel a bit awkward and unsure if I should reciprocate. I don’t like them as much anymore. They might be trying too hard. I avoid them. They might think I don’t like their gift but they should know I don’t do gifts this soon!

10. How do you feel about love songs?
   a) They’re incredibly moving and resonate with my emotions. I listen to as many love songs as possible. I’m much more romantic than most romantic songs! I should be a songwriter.
   b) They’re okay, but I don’t pay much attention to them. Music is music.
   c) They can be cheesy and over-the-top. I prefer any non romantic songs. Romance is for little girls!

11. Read and react to the following poem:

“Soulmates” poem by Eve

  a) “This poem describes how I feel or how I want to feel. If I have not found my person yet, I have faith that I’ll meet them at the perfect time.” (chosen by liz)
  b) “I do not resonate with this poem! Soulmates do not exist, and if they did, we would all know by now.”
  c) “This poem is so cheesy.” It really sounds ridiculous 🙄 😒 😐…. getting off this blog ASAP!

12. Which quote resonates with you?
   a) “Our Love is written in the stars”
   b) “The depth of our Love is our greatest secret”
   c) “Our love is our safe space where we can be ourselves and not be judged for it”

Reflect on your answers.

What is your romantic level?

Rate your answers by assigning points:

– Option a) Add 5 points
– Option b) Add 3 points
– Option c) Add 1 point

Tally up the total points to determine your romantic inclinations.


46 to 60 points: The Eternal Flame: Most intense romantic. We believe in twin flames/ soulmates and fall in love at first sight.

The Eternal Flame is the most romantic level. Individuals in this category have the highest degree of romantic inclination and experience a deep and everlasting passion for romance. It implies a strong and enduring connection to romantic ideals and gestures.

Individuals who fit into the “Eternal Flame” category are deeply passionate about romance and love. They often prioritize emotional connection and intimacy in their relationships. Here are some characteristics that might describe them:

1. **Hopeless Romantics:** They believe in the power of love and often express themselves through grand gestures and heartfelt expressions of affection.

2. **Emotionally Invested:** They are deeply invested in their relationships, cherishing every moment and valuing the emotional bond they share with their partner.

3. **Creative and Thoughtful:** They constantly strive to surprise and delight their partners with thoughtful gestures, whether it’s writing love letters, planning romantic getaways, or creating personalized gifts.

4. **Sensitive to Beauty:** They appreciate the beauty in the world around them, finding inspiration in nature, art, and music, which they often incorporate into their romantic gestures.

5. **Believers in Destiny:** They may believe in soulmates or the idea that certain people are destined to be together, which fuels their passion and commitment to finding and nurturing love.

Overall, individuals in the “Eternal Flame” category are guided by their unwavering belief in the transformative power of love and their dedication to keeping the flame of romance burning bright in their lives.

26 to 45 points: Heart’s Harmony: The Secret Romantic. They think it but don’t speak romance

For the second romance level, let’s consider an option that reflects a moderate level of romantic inclination, perhaps something like “Heart’s Harmony.” This name suggests a balance between romance and practicality, where individuals appreciate love and connection but may not necessarily embody the intense passion of the “Eternal Flame” category.

Individuals who fit into the “Heart’s Harmony” category strike a balance between romance and practicality in their approach to relationships. Here are some characteristics that might describe them:

  1. Balanced Approach: They value romance and emotional connection in their relationships but also recognize the importance of practical considerations and maintaining a sense of balance in their lives.
  2. Thoughtful and Considerate: They express their affection for their partners through meaningful gestures and acts of kindness, such as remembering important dates, offering support during difficult times, and showing appreciation for their partner’s efforts.
  3. Communication Skills: They prioritize open and honest communication in their relationships, seeking to understand their partner’s needs and concerns while also expressing their own thoughts and feelings effectively.
  4. Adaptability: They are flexible and adaptable in their approach to romance, recognizing that relationships require compromise and adjustment to navigate the ups and downs of life together.
  5. Appreciation for the Little Things: They find joy and fulfillment in the everyday moments shared with their partner, whether it’s cooking dinner together, taking walks, or simply enjoying each other’s company.

Overall, individuals in the “Heart’s Harmony” category cultivate a relationship environment where love and practicality coexist, fostering a sense of mutual respect, understanding, and contentment in their romantic lives.

46 to 60 points: Calm Waters: Most likely to not take this quiz. Are they even romantic?

For the lowest level name, we want to convey an absence or minimal presence of romantic inclination. How about “Calm Waters”? This name suggests a serene and tranquil state, where romantic feelings may exist but are subdued or infrequent.

Individuals who fit into the “Calm Waters” category tend to have a more reserved or subdued approach to romance. Here are some characteristics that might describe them:

  1. Pragmatic Outlook: They tend to approach relationships with a practical mindset, focusing on practicalities rather than grand gestures or intense displays of affection.
  2. Independence: They value their independence and may prioritize personal pursuits and interests over romantic relationships.
  3. Reserved Expression of Affection: While they may experience romantic feelings, they may not express them openly or frequently, preferring to keep their emotions private.
  4. Preference for Stability: They seek stability and predictability in their relationships, valuing a sense of calm and tranquility over excitement or passion.
  5. Contentment with Solitude: They are comfortable spending time alone and may not feel a strong need for constant companionship or romantic involvement.

Overall, individuals in the “Calm Waters” category may appreciate romance in a more subdued or understated manner, finding contentment in the quiet moments and subtle gestures of connection within their relationships.

This was fun!

According to my “research,” I’m as romantic as it gets! If someone is as romantic as me, let me know please, let’s be friends

Please share your romantic level

Union quote. Spanish Translation. Poesía

Dear Lovestar,

I’ve been very creative in the last week.

The creative process gets easy when I’m feeling creative, obviously.

During the times when I’m uninspired, I don’t write poetry. It’s interesting that I can go a month without any poetry writing when I’m out of sorts, and by contrast, I can write several poems a day when I’m feeling creative.

Union Quote

To be one with you

En Español. In Spanish

Si hablas Español, gracias por visitarme!

Noté que varios lectores leyeron mis escrituras y poemas en Español. Para usted, he creado un blog en Español.

En ese nuevo blog compartiré mis poemas en Español y poco a poco, traduciré mis mejores posts acerca del amor.

Sigue mi blog en Español

Translation: Since I found a lot of Spanish readers read and interacted with my Spanish content, I have created a blog only in Spanish for my Spanish poetry. I intend to translate my best posts to Spanish to share there as well. Link over the Spanish quote.

With Love and light,


Twin Flame Union Prayer

Dear Lovestar,

Today, I bring to you a simple but powerful union prayer.

Edit the prayer as much as needed. Write it down or print this post. Repeat as needed. Repeat it when you want to connect with your flame, when there are issues, if you’re feeling separation, etc. You will know when you need it.

Union Prayer

Divine Universe, guide us on our journey to union, bless our paths with love, clarity, and understanding. Help our souls intertwine in harmony and our hearts beat as one. Grant us the strength to overcome challenges and the wisdom to cherish each moment together. With gratitude, we surrender to your divine guidance.

You can finish with Amen if you choose.

Please let me know if this helps by commenting or liking this post and I can share more like this.

With love and light,

Eve, in love

Sexual union poetry. Scorpio – Sagittarius cusp

Dear Lovestar,

As Scorpio turned into Sagittarius season, I’m celebrating Thanksgiving with my family and away from my beloved and (read my steamy fantasy love letter) missing him. He let me bring his vintage jacket, which I’ve been wearing for comfort.

I have been writing poetry since our last night together. I’ve also written plenty in as of yet unpublished Spanish poetry as I switched to thinking in Spanish instead of English. I’ll eventually share some Spanish poemas (poems) here. Read my Thanksgiving hot sexual union poetry below. Well, I give thanks for our divine energy exchanges, for spirit, for spirituality, for union, for this journal, and for anyone reading my poetry.

“Party of 2” by Eve Lovestar

After you, I don't want to party. 
A big crowd doesn't please me.
I'm all about that cozy energy
That's achieved by you and me.

You and I. We're a party of two.
You're intoxication. I am song.
You're invited to my dance floor.
We need no one. We're a party of two.

“Another Realm” by Eve Lovestar

There's a realm we inhabit
As another you and I
Where we're always engaged
In a loving, sexual way.

We're connected to this realm
In an energy exchange.
They feed us, we feed them
In a loving, sexual way.

“Sexual union” by Eve Lovestar

Our bodies come together 
In a sensual, warm embrace.
Hold me dear. Hold me tighter.
In our naked, sensual dance.

All my energy is for you.
You have codes in you for me.
When our bodies are united.
Sexual union is our bliss.

Thanks for reading.

As always, will you dedicate one of these to your beloved?

With love,

Eve soon to return to her beloved.

Stage 4 of Scorpio Love: total Union. Union with Scorpio poetry. Pisces Scorpio compatibility 🔥🔥

Welcome to the last of my Scorpio Love stages series. I am excited to finish this, and it has been so fun that I will definitely do something like this again. I am writing more Scorpio posts after this series, so stay tuned if you love a Scorpio or if you are one and you love to hear good things about your ruling energy.

Let’s talk about Stage 4 (the best): total union. Read my previous stages post through the links below.

What is Total Union?

Total Union is the name I gave to a very rare united state between lovers. This state is beyond what we know as love and beyond what we know as lovemaking. The truth is that on Earth, what we’re working with is a very distorted way of love. Blessed people find total union. I do believe total Union is found between twin flames or soulmates. I believe it’s reserved for spiritual love because it goes so deep that it feels like you mix until you become each other almost. This union is not Earthly. It’s spiritual.

Total Union is a divine right. This is a brand new thought I had. So then, it must be our pain, fear, and egos keeping us in separation.

Union comes in layers. If a couple is blessed, they will find a sensual physical union that will deepen into a lovely emotional union. If they master energy or get close to spirit, there’s a rare chance of their union developing into an energetic union. Finally, through much healing and prayer with good intentions and never hurting the other person, their union could ascend into a soul union. At this stage, you’re never separated again, and your love will surpass death, giving a new meaning to forever love by breaking the till death do us apart marriage vow.

Physical Union

This is, in the modern world, the most likely positive beginning of a relationship. A man and a woman like and desire each other. They date and enter a relationship. They try their best to understand one another. There is a strong chemistry. There’s romance and healthy sex. There are no third parties. They start to develop deep feelings for one another, but they might feel insecure, unsure, doubtful, and/ or jealous due to ego issues or fear.

Emotional Union

Emotional Union is the union of our emotions and feelings. After forming a positive physical union and no feelings being hurt, the partners learn to trust each other deeply. They fall in love, and their best time is when they’re together. Healthy sex becomes lovemaking.

They start thinking of the future and decide if they will marry and have children. In this stage, the partners think of each other and don’t act in ways that hurt their partner. What happens is that to hurt one’s beloved becomes impossible, even the thought of hurting them hurts us more. Even a small offense becomes unthinkable.

This is the stuff that poems and love songs are written about. The love of movies. It can happen within weeks, months, or years of a physical union being established. And sadly, for worldly relationships, this might never happen if they get a distorted way of love.

Energetic Union

Reaching this stage is rare because we have to both align completely. To reach this stage of union, we must raise well above the world’s standards for love and sex. Most couples don’t have a clue that this magic exists. This is when our core energies are united and working together. Some couples might not desire this because, at this stage, there are no secrets, lies, and even mistruths can be felt.

At this point of union, our Love is so profound and beautiful that it’s like a third entity. This third entity is union. Because at this point, union is so palpable that it can be felt. This union energy I see as the coming together and amplification of our good wishes for one another and the strengthening of our Love and other positive emotions during the entire relationship. In other words, the energetic union is made up of the good vibes we inject into the union during 16 years for my union.

In case it wasn’t clear, at this stage, love is unconditional because one’s beloved would never do anything to hurt us on purpose anyway, and thus, there need not be any conditions on love. Conditions, I feel, exist to handle romance with the wrong person.

Loving unconditionally is something that happens naturally. Don’t remove conditions if you are not super compatible with your person.

During this stage, the union energy is manifesting more union and good things for us. The couple feels and appears to be blessed. Other people will not understand because almost all marriages have a lower vibe than this union.

By now, lovemaking has ascended into sex magic, and whether consciously or unconsciously, the lovers have started to use their sexual energy to pump so much love and heartfelt emotion into the union that the union deepens yet again. This is healing. Both partners heal during this lovemaking until it feels like there is no other person in the world, no exes or other people you would ever consider being with. At this point, the third energies from the past are cleaned. There is a strange protection that comes with this lovemaking that I can’t explain.

Soul Union

In this layer of union (and I feel as though there is another layer which I named on my Lion’s Gate podcast), your souls are united. Union starts with the souls if it’s divine love but, us, humans don’t listen to the soul until we’re mature and wise. This stage of union is when you are connecting with their soul and their soul with you without any darkness.

Fun fact: I’ve been connecting with my beloved’s soul or higher self for up to 4 years consciously, but I used to complain to his soul about him… soul level drama. 💯 I’m not doing this anymore because now I have reached Soul Union, and I understand I was manifesting separation in our union.

Union comes in levels. It’s like a game of love. Once you master a level, you realize there’s another level.

At this point, our missions are united. I don’t complain to his soul anymore 😆 😂 🤣 I now believe that our souls are connected in a mysterious secret way. They have always been connected. However, now we’re leading our union from our souls.

By the way, his soul always listened to my complaints and gave me solid advice, which I listened to. He behaved as my forever protector, and I believed he had always been with me. Additionally, his soul gave me all sorts of sweet energy. His soul was not nice, but rather showed me tough love and showed me where I was wrong as soon as I was strong enough to handle his criticism.

His soul was very loving and understanding, though. He explained, for example, that my feminism was hurting my union, which I was not wise enough to realize on my own. I listened to his soul much more than I listened to the person. His soul also taught me the importance of surrendering because it took me sooooooo long to care about surrendering.

In this stage, we are working to never separate the union between us. This is the union that goes beyond death. We will be buried together, but really, our souls will continue their journey together, and if we happen to come back to this world, it’ll be together. There’s no other soul dead or alive. Only he and I and God… is God the union? Spirit is the union.

What is not Total Union

  • Marriage is not even close to union. If a marriage is solid (which is rare), that’s emotional union in my book and can ascend
  • Having a family together is not a union because there can be separation within a family, or a union could be broken or damaged
  • A stagnant relationship is not a union because union is forever flowing, evolving, and ascending, and that’s how you reach a higher state of union, a deeper layer
  • Being in love is not a union, and honestly, most humans don’t know what love actually is or how to love. Humans tend to see sexual desire as love, which doesn’t even come close, and maybe that’s why infidelity is such a pandemic because humans keep on marrying the “wrong” person
  • Being faithful is not Total Union (though it could be a physical union) because simply abstaining from sex with others (which is a beautiful thing, of course) doesn’t mean you trust, or deeply know, or understand, and you can hurt your partner in other ways
  • Have patience and trust the process. As they say: surrender (to God’s plan and fate) and wait for perfect timing. Scorpio season could very well be perfect timing for something or someone special in love
  • Total Union happens when our love grows and deepens beyond all the items on this list. Reminder that it is a very rare state reached only through spirit or energy work. It’s the ultimate blessing of love.

Can I reach Total Union with Scorpio?

Yes. Scorpio’s higher calling is to find total Union with their beloved. My Scorpio taught me to love this deep. I am a romantic lover now, but I never intended to fall in love because I didn’t believe in love. I guess I was saving my romance and my best energy for my Scorpio.

Scorpio is known to be a sex god/ goddess, but that’s because we, the people sleeping with Scorpio, only notice how advanced their sex skills are. What we don’t realize is that beyond that sexual power, there is a big, soft heart ♥️ 💓 ❤️ yearning for pure love and beyond love, reaching union. Thank you, God, for creating Scorpio!

Total Union with a non Scorpio. Is it possible?

Yes. Maybe between twin flames or soulmates. Maybe during the Scorpio season, it’s possible to get a taste or to upgrade your union. Maybe super compatible couples can find this. Total Union is not something you go to a therapist to figure out how to reach. Total Union is fated if you believe in fate. Then again, with faith that moves mountains, prayer, positive intentions, and manifestation on your side, everything is possible. Simply, don’t settle if you are looking for union.

Have you found total Union? Please comment and tell us the details you can spare.

Tips to reach total Union with a Scorpio (or your twin flame)🔥🔥

This is not easy at all, so this little post will not suffice. However, this entire blog is about me reaching total Union with my beloved Scorpio. If you are interested in manifesting total Union, read all my posts and try the several tactics I have blogged about using. Additionally, I have recorded several podcasts (which are not of excellent sound quality yet the content is very excellent) regarding dealing with issues and reaching total Union with my beloved. Also, see the simplified list below for my greatest tips, especially for Union with a Scorpio.

  • Be open and vulnerable to be your most authentic self. Don’t be afraid to be unique or even perceived as weird or crazy
  • Find a compatible partner. This is the key to a forever relationship. If you marry someone you’re not compatible with, divorce, cheating, grudges, drama, complaining to others about one another, secrets, etc. could happen. At least you might need therapy to handle the differences and to reach understandings.
  • Speak blessings into your union. Manifest it. Pray. Do the energy work. Align your chackras. Be on your mission and find your joy.
  • Always tell the truth to have them trust you. If you have spoken a non true statement, explain and apologize. I did this without knowing out of confusion, and I still need to apologize, and I might write a letter because it’s difficult for me to admit I was wrong. I blog about it to help me loosen up
  • Forgive. This is necessary because nobody is perfect. So if they spoke a false statement without realizing and asked for forgiveness, forgive them and be grateful that they set the record straight and have some remorse
  • Don’t be nice, be kind. Kindness comes from the heart. Niceness probably comes from ego and fear. Say the hard things that need to be said
  • Consider their sexual needs always. Don’t marry someone with a high sex drive who you plan on not having loads of sex with. Compatible sex tendencies are crucial to not be cheated on or have him checking girls out on social media a5 ZaZaxxku0
  • Quality time spent together
  • You must agree on most things, so finding a person you are compatible with is important because total Union is not reached by holding grudges
  • Romance them. We all have different romantic sides. I’m verbally romantic, so sending sexy texts, writing poems, telling him I love him, and saying sweet things to him is my way. He is physically romantic. Others are romantic with dates, flowers, and meaningful gifts. Find your romantic style, and it should be compatible with his romantic needs.
  • Heal together

Union poetry written for my beloved Scorpio

Total Union super simplified. Total Union doesn’t fit in a poem…
This lovely piece describes emotional union. It speaks of understanding my beloved to the point that I have felt the walls, and by now, I have breached the walls, and I can get through to his heart. From his point of view, for him to let me sneak past his walls, he must have learned to truly trust me, not only in a physical sense for example he knows I don’t like any other guys, he need not be jealous. But there’s another level of trust when you trust your person to not hurt you (of course, Scorpios are very afraid to get their loving hearts broken)
Even God sent love could come with separation. Union is a God sent love where 2 people’s egos are out of their way, and there’s a certain level of flow or non resistance to spirit. Spirit commanded we love each other, so what better way to love spirit than to listen to its love calling?
I had been searching for my mission since I was a child. Now I believe the important thing I was supposed to do on Earth was love this deeply, have children born out of this love, and tell strangers about a love this deep to inspire someone else to love this deep. My mission is about love ascension.
This love even blessed my past, my ancestors. Fun fact: my mother and grandmother are Scorpios ♏️ who were not lucky in love. My job was to break their cycle of pain and pass down love through my DNA down to the future generations
This love is strange, so at first, twin flames might run from this intensity. The way to my heart is intensity, though.

If you are beloved of a Scorpio, you are a lucky person because they love you deep. Please take care of your Scorpio and help them relax, help them calm, let them understand you are not a danger to them. Don’t play games with Scorpio because it’ll start to break your relationship. Love them deeply, and since they might not express their love for you, express your love for them. Go ahead and text them one of my sexy poems, I dare you.

Finally, are you a Pisces who loves a Scorpio? Please, kindly let me know.

Thank you very much for reading,

Please let me know if you love a Scorpio, and did you relate? Did you enjoy the series?

Do you have any questions regarding loving a Scorpio?

With love and light,

Eve in love with a Scorpio ♏️

Twin flame poetry 🔥🔥 “Only You” You. You. And more you!

Oh, Lovestar,

I have caught a bad case of love obsession! It’s been 16 years, but it only keeps on growing stronger! What could I do if not indulge? This September, I have indulged in sexy love poems.

I’m sharing my last 3 poems with you. WARNING! Very sexy sex poems ahead! If you don’t want to get a bit turned on, go read this post about cleaning the park, please, and thank you:

Enhancing the natural spaces around us. Mother Earth Love.

Or let’s connect on social media:

If you are brave enough (especially if you have a significant other who makes you feel like this), then read on. The first thing that was curious to me was how hot these poems turned out! My beloved literally made me tune the heat down! Yes, I sent him a XXX version of one of these 3 poems! Can you guess which poem I sent my flame a “dirty” version of? Only 1 word changed.

Then I noticed they were all about YOU (he is my beloved Scorpio twin flame). August and the union manifesting Lion’s Gate is over, but here is the rest of the year, when we experience the great vibes we manifested or the light vibes we anchored from elsewhere in August. In August, I was manifesting a deeper union, and now I get to indulge in it!

And it was hard to ignore the down to Earth vibes on these pieces as well. In August, I was writing heartfelt, very emotional poems with a channeled vibe to them, union manifesting poems, but the season has changed now. There is definitely fire on these new September 2023 poems, probably from leftover Leo fire. These poems bridged the Leo season with the Virgo season for me.

The third thing I noticed from these poems is that the Virgo energy is hot, too! 🔥🔥 This might only be for people in relationships or for everyone. What do you feel of the sexiness of Virgo energy? I know I have to clean my house…

I hope you enjoy these pieces, and as always, I dare you to dedicate one to someone who makes you feel like this!

I am all giggles as I reached the end of this post (if you’ve listened to some of my podcasts, you have heard how much I giggle).

I appreciate your visit to the blog today,

Blessings, and please tell me,

Which poem did you love most? Which poem would/ did you dedicate?

With Love and Light,


August, The Lion’s Gate, and Union. Is this divine timing? Yes, it is!

Dear Lovestar,

Divine timing is always, but there are energies that assist in the manifestation of union. When we’re under the influence of these energies, we attract what we want so much easier, we might become master manifestors, if we are open to the energy. The energy is not everything, though! Even in the ideal energy of union, we have to take some steps to manifest this union into the physical. In other words, we must do mundane things here in the 3D to manifest our perfect union.

I only wanted to share with you these 3 amazing readings on YouTube. Partly because I can listen to whatever at work (perfect job), I have been indulging in hours of spoken content, and these videos will help! But there’s something else I want to address.

This season, if you are open, honest, and vulnerable with yourself and you work with the energies, you will find secret, hidden truths about yourself. It’s important to ensure these things are coming from your soul, which will bring you closer to union and not coming from ego, which will manifest separation.

If you have not discovered anything new about yourself and you want that, set the powerful intention and do the work that will help you learn these things about yourself.

If you’re in a twin flame relationship, it is important to understand that your beloved helped design you to be his/ her perfect lover. It is important to not feel fear at the things we discover within us. And something I have learned from experience is don’t be afraid, much less ashamed about exposing your inner truth to your beloved. This person might be waiting for you to embody your inner lioness/ lion! Your person is manifesting who you are becoming, and don’t be afraid of changing (transformation is in the air) because it will likely manifest union.

And now I have to talk to my beloved partner. I need to take my advice up there, and it is very scary, though extremely 😬 😳 😐 freeing to finally be who I am rather than trying to be too safe and nice, which is so fake… no offense here because I’m speaking about myself, and this is how I beat myself into submission. 😌 😎 ✨️

Finally, I’m having a tough time right now saying what I need to say, and you know I’m a weirdo, so I’m writing a long letter to explain my feelings to my beloved. You will not get to read it! But I’m thinking of writing a post about how to write a letter from the soul!

My fav spiritual influencers on August and Lion’s Gate energy.

Have you learned something new about yourself?

How has union improved for you during August or the Lion’s Gate season?

With love,


A new dimension of love and lovemaking. Union update ❤️ 😍 💖

Dear diary,

***Update since 5/5/23: that big Scorpio eclipse which coincided with my anniversary to Scorpio ♏️ ***

Once expectations are dropped and nothing is expected, union manifests. Of course, this statement would be ridiculous applied to a 3D relationship. Of course, in the “real world” (such as the world my parents live in), there has to be clear expectations, or they will not be met.

Lucky for me, I don’t live in the real world. In the world I live in, I don’t have to tie my lover down. He willingly comes to me all the time. My lover doesn’t have to “buy me” or do anything special to earn my affection. I am totally free of charge. I know we live in a broken world, and this is why I want to change the it.

A new dimension of love ❤️ 😍 💖

Since my last update, my beloved Scorpio and I have become closer than ever. It was unexpected, really, so I’m sure it was divine timing, and perhaps the energy accelerated due to the eclipse. It really doesn’t matter why, the lovely thing happened and now I’m very grateful.

I’m not going to give the specifics on what happened, too personal and unnecessary, but change started in my mind. Perhaps also in my beloved’s mind, I didn’t ask… In our conversations around this time, we talked about giving more to our connection (I led this conversation). Giving more in a state of gratitude for the continued Love and the increasing depth of our Love. This is totally something I’d say and not Scorpio…

The change I refer to was reaching a place together where we were more at peace, closer together, and wanting more.

A new dimension in lovemaking 😋 😋 😋

A new dimension in lovemaking is obviously yummy 😋 😜 😊 😉 😀 😍. It’s obvious and undeniable when this happens. This is a real phenomenon and not something that can be made up, not something that can be faked. Both partners feel the shift. The shift is positive, of course.

This positive shift in lovemaking, which I’m calling a new dimension, is not some magical, otherworldly move to the 5D ( 😆 ). This positive shift is a new level. We all started somewhere, let’s say, at level zero. At different rates and for different reasons, we all leveled up our sex life. I’m not assigning levels to skills. What I speak of is an energetic “feeling” thing, not a theoretical learning thing. I didn’t do anything new, I did have a new intention, and I used the power of gratitude to manifest this shift.

Manifested, or divine timing?

If I used gratitude to manifest this shift, did I manifest it, or was it divine timing 🤔? I feel like this question is a lot like What came first, the chicken or the egg? Trying to answer it is a good journaling exercise.

The shift started in my mind. There was probably plenty of assistance from my lover Scorpio. I feel his fantasies, so what I think (about sex) are not my thoughts at all. They’re at the very least shared thoughts, at most, my thoughts are his thoughts, which sounds dangerous ( 😆 🤣 😂) but I’m tuned into that vibe, so there is no harm. The power of tuning into his desires has been helpful for me because I’m the embarrassed little girl type…

I don’t believe I manifested this. Though I’m certain that you, the reader, can manifest a higher level of love and a higher level of lovemaking, the experience I write about was not manifested by me, there is a chance that it was manifested by my lover! He is Scorpio, and this shift happened under the influence of the Scorpio eclipse, and I believed going into the eclipse that he might be manifesting something… but though my lover likely helped manifest this for us, I believe this was divine timing.

Does sex get better after 16 years?

That is such a great question, and we all know the answer is no. Most of us know of couples that fall apart much sooner than that and we ourselves might have gotten tired of someone in the past, most of us also experienced cheating and we assume cheaters cheat because they get bored. We assume that sex with the same person and the same way get boring.

This is why finding a new dimension of lovemaking elevates the entire union. It suddenly becomes new again. The energy ascends, the feeling gets better, and the desire grows.

I am excited about this big change in our union and so grateful. Now that I know this is possible, I will explore it even further. More of these posts are coming.

Dear reader,

Thank you for visiting and I’m grateful for you. I have been off the blog lots because my life has changed also in the busy area but I will always keep on coming back.

Much love,
