The romance level quiz. I am an Eternal Flame & my lover is a Heart Harmony romantic.

Dear Lovestar,

The Romance Level Quiz by Eve Lovestar

I created this quiz to help you determine your romantic level πŸ˜‰. I have identified 3 levels of romantics:

  1. The extreme romantic: The Eternal Flame romantics: We breathe and eat romance. 46 to 60 points
  2. The secret romantic: Heart’s Harmony romantics: They think romance but don’t talk it. 26 to 45 points
  3. The least romantic: Calm Waters romantics: Are they even romantic? 12 to 25 points

Why take my quiz

Understand your partner better and understand how much romance they can handle. Get inspired.

With an understanding of your own romantic level versus your partner, you can work towards enhancing your relationship. You can use the insights gained from my quiz to communicate your needs and desires more effectively and create a more fulfilling romantic connection with your partner.

I intend to develop informative and educational resources for each romance level that will provide you practical tips for enhancing your love life. These resources will cover topics such as communication skills, romantic gestures, maintaining intimacy, and navigating relationship challenges. Ask for help in the comments.

Overall, taking the quiz and exploring the different romance levels can be a steppingstone towards personal growth, relationship enhancement, and a deeper understanding of romance and love.

Take this quiz and figure out how romantic you are ❀️ 😍 πŸ’–

1. If you are in a garden for an event, what’s your first thought?
   a) The flowers are beautiful and may remind you of someone special. You enjoy their beauty, take pictures, and even smell them.
   b) “Flowers are nice, but they’re just plants.” You don’t care if you are a garden or not.
   c) You do not like flowers. You avoid them, make sure nobody takes pictures of you at the garden, and leave as soon as possible.

2. You’re walking in the rain with someone you care about. What crosses your mind?
   a) “This is so romantic, like a scene from a movie.” You imagine yourself dancing in the rain. You slow down and enjoy the experience.
   b) “I hope we don’t get too wet and wish you had an umbrella.” You walk faster.
   c) “I do not like the rain. My hair is wet. ” You might get upset or run to safety.  

3. What’s your reaction when you see someone reading a love poem in public?
   a) “How beautiful! I wish I could express myself like that.” You stop and listen, maybe record them and tip them. Tears may appear if you resonate with the poem.
   b) “That’s a bit cheesy for my taste.” You ignore it and continue on your way.
   c) “I wonder if they’re doing that for attention.” You shake your head, and you might judge them.

4. Imagine you receive a heartfelt handwritten letter. How do you feel?
   a) Warmth and appreciation, it’s such a thoughtful gesture. You feel special and save the letter for as long as possible.
   b) It’s nice, but an email would have been quicker. How much time did they spend on this? You might feel obligated to keep it for a while but eventually might lose it.
   c) Mild surprise, handwritten letters are rare these days. This much work for something going in the trash! You might not even complete reading it. If it’s cutesy, you will roll your eyes.

5. How do you feel about stargazing with a romantic partner?
   a) It’s incredibly romantic, a chance to connect under the vast night sky. I’d hold hands and slowly lean into them. Eventually, we’d share a kiss, and an I love you.
   b) It sounds okay, but I’m not sure it’s worth the effort. I would rather stay in and watch a movie or even do the dishes, which sounds like a better use of our time.
   c) Will there be bugs? Eww. Let’s not.

6. What’s your reaction to witnessing a marriage proposal in a public place?
   a) “How magical! I hope they have a lifetime of happiness.” You take pictures, congratulate them, and tell everyone on social media.
   b) “That’s a bit too public for my taste.” You look away and try to ignore it.
   c) “I wonder if they planned this just for social media.” You think they will not last together.

7. How do you feel about cuddling while watching a movie?
   a) It’s the perfect way to feel close and connected and the only way to watch a movie. I watch movies just to cuddle.
   b) It’s okay, but sometimes I get uncomfortable. Or it will lead to more.
   c) I prefer to sit apart and focus on the movie. This is movie time. Cuddle time is always tomorrow.

8. What’s your ideal way to spend Valentine’s Day?
   a) A romantic dinner followed by a moonlit walk. Home-cooked meals, red dresses, poetry performances, romantic music, and special gifts. Every year is different!
   b) It’s just another day, nothing special. We will enjoy some intimate moments, that’s all!
   c) I make the point of doing nothing romantic on that day. I also don’t know the date it’s celebrated on. I also never do anything romantic…

9. You receive an unexpected gift from someone you’re dating. How do you react?
   a) With genuine delight and gratitude. I immediately thank them, and they know I loved it!
   b) It’s nice, but I’m not sure how to respond. They might not know if I liked their gift.
   c) I feel a bit awkward and unsure if I should reciprocate. I don’t like them as much anymore. They might be trying too hard. I avoid them. They might think I don’t like their gift but they should know I don’t do gifts this soon!

10. How do you feel about love songs?
   a) They’re incredibly moving and resonate with my emotions. I listen to as many love songs as possible. I’m much more romantic than most romantic songs! I should be a songwriter.
   b) They’re okay, but I don’t pay much attention to them. Music is music.
   c) They can be cheesy and over-the-top. I prefer any non romantic songs. Romance is for little girls!

11. Read and react to the following poem:

“Soulmates” poem by Eve

  a) “This poem describes how I feel or how I want to feel. If I have not found my person yet, I have faith that I’ll meet them at the perfect time.” (chosen by liz)
  b) “I do not resonate with this poem! Soulmates do not exist, and if they did, we would all know by now.”
  c) “This poem is so cheesy.” It really sounds ridiculous πŸ™„ πŸ˜’ 😐…. getting off this blog ASAP!

12. Which quote resonates with you?
   a) “Our Love is written in the stars”
   b) “The depth of our Love is our greatest secret”
   c) “Our love is our safe space where we can be ourselves and not be judged for it”

Reflect on your answers.

What is your romantic level?

Rate your answers by assigning points:

– Option a) Add 5 points
– Option b) Add 3 points
– Option c) Add 1 point

Tally up the total points to determine your romantic inclinations.


46 to 60 points: The Eternal Flame: Most intense romantic. We believe in twin flames/ soulmates and fall in love at first sight.

The Eternal Flame is the most romantic level. Individuals in this category have the highest degree of romantic inclination and experience a deep and everlasting passion for romance. It implies a strong and enduring connection to romantic ideals and gestures.

Individuals who fit into the “Eternal Flame” category are deeply passionate about romance and love. They often prioritize emotional connection and intimacy in their relationships. Here are some characteristics that might describe them:

1. **Hopeless Romantics:** They believe in the power of love and often express themselves through grand gestures and heartfelt expressions of affection.

2. **Emotionally Invested:** They are deeply invested in their relationships, cherishing every moment and valuing the emotional bond they share with their partner.

3. **Creative and Thoughtful:** They constantly strive to surprise and delight their partners with thoughtful gestures, whether it’s writing love letters, planning romantic getaways, or creating personalized gifts.

4. **Sensitive to Beauty:** They appreciate the beauty in the world around them, finding inspiration in nature, art, and music, which they often incorporate into their romantic gestures.

5. **Believers in Destiny:** They may believe in soulmates or the idea that certain people are destined to be together, which fuels their passion and commitment to finding and nurturing love.

Overall, individuals in the “Eternal Flame” category are guided by their unwavering belief in the transformative power of love and their dedication to keeping the flame of romance burning bright in their lives.

26 to 45 points: Heart’s Harmony: The Secret Romantic. They think it but don’t speak romance

For the second romance level, let’s consider an option that reflects a moderate level of romantic inclination, perhaps something like “Heart’s Harmony.” This name suggests a balance between romance and practicality, where individuals appreciate love and connection but may not necessarily embody the intense passion of the “Eternal Flame” category.

Individuals who fit into the “Heart’s Harmony” category strike a balance between romance and practicality in their approach to relationships. Here are some characteristics that might describe them:

  1. Balanced Approach: They value romance and emotional connection in their relationships but also recognize the importance of practical considerations and maintaining a sense of balance in their lives.
  2. Thoughtful and Considerate: They express their affection for their partners through meaningful gestures and acts of kindness, such as remembering important dates, offering support during difficult times, and showing appreciation for their partner’s efforts.
  3. Communication Skills: They prioritize open and honest communication in their relationships, seeking to understand their partner’s needs and concerns while also expressing their own thoughts and feelings effectively.
  4. Adaptability: They are flexible and adaptable in their approach to romance, recognizing that relationships require compromise and adjustment to navigate the ups and downs of life together.
  5. Appreciation for the Little Things: They find joy and fulfillment in the everyday moments shared with their partner, whether it’s cooking dinner together, taking walks, or simply enjoying each other’s company.

Overall, individuals in the “Heart’s Harmony” category cultivate a relationship environment where love and practicality coexist, fostering a sense of mutual respect, understanding, and contentment in their romantic lives.

46 to 60 points: Calm Waters: Most likely to not take this quiz. Are they even romantic?

For the lowest level name, we want to convey an absence or minimal presence of romantic inclination. How about “Calm Waters”? This name suggests a serene and tranquil state, where romantic feelings may exist but are subdued or infrequent.

Individuals who fit into the “Calm Waters” category tend to have a more reserved or subdued approach to romance. Here are some characteristics that might describe them:

  1. Pragmatic Outlook: They tend to approach relationships with a practical mindset, focusing on practicalities rather than grand gestures or intense displays of affection.
  2. Independence: They value their independence and may prioritize personal pursuits and interests over romantic relationships.
  3. Reserved Expression of Affection: While they may experience romantic feelings, they may not express them openly or frequently, preferring to keep their emotions private.
  4. Preference for Stability: They seek stability and predictability in their relationships, valuing a sense of calm and tranquility over excitement or passion.
  5. Contentment with Solitude: They are comfortable spending time alone and may not feel a strong need for constant companionship or romantic involvement.

Overall, individuals in the “Calm Waters” category may appreciate romance in a more subdued or understated manner, finding contentment in the quiet moments and subtle gestures of connection within their relationships.

This was fun!

According to my “research,” I’m as romantic as it gets! If someone is as romantic as me, let me know please, let’s be friends

Please share your romantic level

Deep Love. Sexy, romantic poem and a fun way to learn Spanish

Dear Lovestar,

I’ve always dreamt about being a teacher. Teaching English to people I know who need to learn it is something I want to do really badly!

Writing poetry is my gift.

I decided to mix my wish and my gift, and now, I have decided to use my romantic poetry to help people learn English. 

I translated this poem to Spanish, and I shared both poems on my brand new Spanish blog. Read that blog post through this link and follow that blog if you Speak Spanish or if you’re studying Spanish because I’ll be sharing translations and tools to make language learning fun.

I don’t know how much time I will be dedicating to this project, but if you’re interested in learning English or Spanish, let me know so I can create something more useful.

“Deep Love” romantic poem by Eve

With love and light,

Eve, with a glow in my eyes

Twin Flame Union Prayer

Dear Lovestar,

Today, I bring to you a simple but powerful union prayer.

Edit the prayer as much as needed. Write it down or print this post. Repeat as needed. Repeat it when you want to connect with your flame, when there are issues, if you’re feeling separation, etc. You will know when you need it.

Union Prayer

Divine Universe, guide us on our journey to union, bless our paths with love, clarity, and understanding. Help our souls intertwine in harmony and our hearts beat as one. Grant us the strength to overcome challenges and the wisdom to cherish each moment together. With gratitude, we surrender to your divine guidance.

You can finish with Amen if you choose.

Please let me know if this helps by commenting or liking this post and I can share more like this.

With love and light,

Eve, in love

Valentine’s Love Letters save the day.

Dear Lovestars,

What a terrible day I had today with family drama.

In my panic, my beloved called. Immediately, I felt relaxed and protected,Β  like surrounded by an angel even though he’s many thousands of miles away, and he could not physically help me. But his good vibes made me feel safe.

When I started writing about my trauma over my family’s situation, I deleted a post I wanted to share with you, but I was kind of embarrassed and on a different,  much lower vibe and didn’t share the lovey post. It was called Valentine’s Love Letters and on it I was going yo tell you while I was away from my beloved on Valentine’s, I jokingly said I would write him a Love letter. Then I decided I would and I sent him 3. 

I ended up writing 3 letters, which I took pictures of to share with you. I inserted a rose petal in each and put a drop of my signature doTERRA oils on each letter as pictured below.

I deleted the post when I fell into a depression and started writing about my trauma. But then, as the situation worsened, my beloved called to raise my vibe. This is why I believe in twin flames.

He asked if I only sent him 3 letters. I said yes, and why did he ask. He said he didn’t want to miss one because they were what he really needed to hear, and they went right to his heart. I was so touched that I cried. I shared my last letter with him, the gratitude Love letter I share last on this post. One I have not sent him yet, but I’ll deliver to him personally since I’m finally going home!

Valentine’s Love Letter
Sexy and Romantic Valentine’s Love Letter
10 Things I Love Most About You Love Letter
10 Things I Love Most About You Love Letter
Gratitude Love Letter
Gratitude Love Letter

I wrote these letters in the middle of the night. I wrote at 2, 3, 4 in the morning.  I wrote while my head rested on my pillow, and  my penmanship really suffered. I was so embarrassed about the look of my letters that I considered not sending them to him. I was embarrassed to show them to you because of how really ugly they look. I thought my beloved might get offended that I’d send him such poor work, and I was concerned that I could have done so much better. 

Yet, I overcame my embarrassment, and I sent the letters anyway. The letters touched his heart. Since I’ve been away for such a long time, he was feeling alone and even doubtful, and it just so happened that I answered his questions with my letters.

I hope you enjoyed this lighthearted post and that you feel inspired to share your love with your beloved also.

With much Love,


Should I? A new poem and reflection

This poem just came to me when I was getting out of the shower and realized that I was naked under 2 giant coats. After the first stanza came through me, I immediately linked it to my beloved as I usually do. And from then on, it was just the fun game of words I love so much. ❀️ ❀️ ❀️

“Should I” poem by Eve Lovestar

Should I feel shame
For being naked under my clothes?
Should I reject you
Fer feeling naked down to my soul?
When you're with me
And I feel like a 20 year old?
All I will say is
This is between you, me, and God.


*** I will start addressing this blog like it’s an entity now, I might even call it my best friend since I have no friend to be this open with***

Dear blog, I have missed you too! ❀️ So much has happened since I talked to you last! I have needed you so much, and please forgive πŸ™πŸ» ❀️ me for ignoring you.  I have missed you and needed you, of course. I have been working my butt off lately. Putting up to 15 hours into work, working every single day of the week,  including Sundays!

I know it’s Valentine’s and so unfair I have not raved about this day, this being my favorite holiday and one I have blogged since I started blogging way before the birth of this blog!

Dear blog, I have been away from my beloved! Not, were absolutely not in separation! Absolutely not! I’ve just been on an extended stay with my family, a long holiday vacation to a place my beloved doesn’t want to visit, so we’re terribly missing each other! We have got to talk and we will soon.

Your friend,


Heal your sexual trauma! I’ll help for free. Please and thank you!

I am asking you kindly to please share your sexual traumas with me as I’ve been called very clearly to help the collective right now and I can’t ignore the collective trauma anymore! Please let me help you. I have been able to transmute my own sexual trauma and now I’m ready to give back.

I’m not asking for anything except that you let me help. What do I gain? Experience of course, I need to practice sharing my gifts and need to get comfortable. I’ve been able to do this dark healing work for myself but now I feel I’ll only feel successful by helping others.

In my dreams I’m a writer/ poet. I did not expect previously to spend so much time speaking and writing about sex, sexual trauma, and sexual healing! Truly, I was very triggered by this. I’ll not lie friend, as a Cuban girl, I’ve been sexually abused several times, I don’t even know how many times. But don’t feel bad for me for I’m healed (with the help of my beloved) and now I’m ready to help you and the collective.

Now it’s time for me to give back! And what keeps on coming through as part of my life purpose, though it has been so difficult to open up and share, is sex trauma healing. It helps that this is where I have most experience personally.

I feel I’m receiving spiritual downloads at all times and it’s easy for me to understand these extremely complex topics such as the darkness that comes with sexual abuse and what it does to our pain bodies and the sad part when we have to accept where we’re at. Understanding seems to be the first step to transmute the really dark energies that so hurt us in sexual energy. Forgiveness appears to be the real deal in healing our energy and I was born with that ability though it was so much harder to forgive myself than the abusers.

Write me through the contact option under the menu button of this blog or by emailing me at subject should be HELP and if possible reference this post so I’ll know what the help is about.

Additionally, let me know how you would like to connect regarding sexual healing. I’m not big on Facebook anymore, where do you create a group for safe group chats?

In the meantime, I’ve created a secret YouTube playlist to help. I need to create videos now.

Additionally, see my sex podcasts that might help:–Ascension-in-Lovemaking-e1bmt20–Telepathy-e1boj34–Sex-magic–energy-transfer–healing–union-dreams-and-more-e1c2n7v

With Love and healing light,

Your friend Eve

222 Portal. Romantic Poetry and the Story of Valentine’s Day

Hello beloved,

This post is for anyone who celebrates Valentine’s day. I love this celebration and it’s my favorite holiday. Or is it a holiday? Since I was a child I was in love with Valentine’s, even before I believed in Love I loved Valentine’s! When I didn’t have a boyfriend or lover, I celebrated Valentine’s by myself and since my beloved today is not interested in celebrating holidays, I have been celebrating by and for myself because it would not make sense to me to make him celebrate the holiday, it would not be authentic for him and I respect that, also I only want authentic love.

Valentine’s Day Poetry. The romantic and the sexy.

It has become a ritual for me to share my best  romantic poetry every Valentine’s. Unfortunately for me, it seems that others don’t love to dedicate poetry, it seems people are ok buying one of those overpriced, silly cards. I understand that card giving is a thing for a lot of people but for me personally, after a while I don’t know what to do with cards and they seem the opposite of green to me and I’m a real deal tree hugger, I need to be green and also, I find card giving not authentic, I don’t care how dang cute a card is, it’s not what you meant to say  but what a writer got paid to write and forgive me quite simply put, for not agreeing with you if you love cards, for I’m a crafter, the best gifts are handmade and handwritten.

This year I decided to podcast all the Love and sexy romantic poems, written by myself through the years, on my Twin Flame Lovestars podcast, this is a massive collection of poetry so I’m not going to upload all the poems onto this post, it’s too many. These poems can be used by anyone as long as they are not changed, and it would please me so much if you dedicated one of my poems to a special someone on Valentine’s, or any time really.

Listen to all my 222 portal/ Valentine’s romantic poetry podcasts through this link:–222-Love-and-Union-Portal-Special-e1dev1i

Download any of the many poems from the podcast from my Miraquill app  the app I use to share my poems with a nice design. There are over a hundred poems through this link, ready to download or copy if you’d prefer for personal use. The downloaded poems can be used on social media or texted/ emailed. Many of them are love poems though many are spiritual or inspirational too. Find your poem to dedicate if you feel so inspired.

This is what the typical poem looks like

There are many more poems, too many for this post, find your poem through my link above.

History of the Valentine’s holiday

I looked at the history of Valentine’s day and was truly not surprised to find it has pagan origins! Well, well, something in me, as a child, already feeling pagan, loved whatever I could find in the present world that felt ancient. 

This is the story of the Ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia, celebrated February 15th which ended up becoming a fertility celebration and eventually was turned into St. Valentine’s by the pope.

And this is the later story of St. Valentine’s, the Roman Catholic priest who married lovers when marriage was illegal. Is it real or myth? I don’t know.

Undeniably, the roots of St. Valentine’s are Roman and it is so funny to me suddenly that romantic starts with Roman. I’m the true romantic by the way.

Coming next on this blog and my podcast

Beloveds, I’m doing this to kickstart my celebration of the 222 Love and Union Portal (2/2/2022 – 2/22/2022) I believe the portal is already open. On this blog you will see me talking about this portal through February. You will read new poems as I write them on February and you will read about me doing my twin flame work by journaling and by setting up a new twin flame altar where to do the work.

Thanks for reading and thanks for listening to my podcast,

Much love beloved and blessings for your love life,


Cast Love Spell on Yourself. Midnight Bath Love Spell.

Because casting a love spell on someone else feels unethical, unloving, and bound to backfire, let’s cast a spell on ourselves, with our own divine permission.

What do I mean?

Just like everything else, by clumsily following the signs of the universe with a very open mind, I became intrigued by the idea of Love spells! The first time I looked into it, I giggled about it so much. Then I saw I could mix a Love potion oil and I already mix oils and have great ingredients, I was interested! I realized I have been casting Love spells intuitively for years and today I get to savor my exquisite manifestations. I understand that the world lacks Love and passion and I can understand someone, who brokenhearted, might want to cast a love spell on someone but, for the most part, you would not want the kind of love spell I describe below casted on you, what if someone you’re not supposed to love puts a spell on yo?

Casting a spell, I feel is usingΒ  magic to force someone to fall in Love with you. Now, we, twin flames, soulmates, starseeds, lightworkers, and spiritual people of all kinds know that we can’t violate someone’s free will and there could devastating consequences, karma for messing around. It’s not worth it! During my research, I found provocative, intriguing, and quite sexy Etsy Love spell listings with hundreds of 5 star reviews, although many customers state they are still waiting for results. It sounded fun and interesting but I noted some red flags such as a sex spell for threesomes? I knew there was something other than light there and I found the seller to say they are a mistress of white and black magic. NO, THANKS!

Luckily for me, I don’t need to cast a love spell, I already have Love. But I already get involved in a lot of manifestation work, you might say, with my TF. I have explained this to my beloved and he has granted me permission to manifest his pure Love, so I’m free to cast my White magic 🀍

Midnight Bath. The Love Spell Bath.

When the clock strikes midnight,
In my secret Love bath,
I am casting Love spells,
Manifesting the Love of my life.
In the quietest night,
I talk to my heart
And I make it attract
Unconditional Love to my life.

Love Bath ingredients

  • Warm water
  • Soap
  • Epsom salts
  • Essential oils: Rose, Lavender
  • Relaxing music
  • Love crystals: pink quartz, pink crystals, any special crystal gifted to you by your beloved.
  • Pink Himalayan salt
  • Rose petals

Mix ingredients into bath. Use caution with your crystals and understand each one’s unique needs, some can’t get wet.

When mixing ingredients, set a powerful intention to attract Love to your life. Don’t put a name or face to this if possible, intend on becoming more loving yourself which should attract the perfect lover to you if that is in your cards. Make it sexy, playful and have fun. Choose a Love mantra, it can be something simple like I am loved. Or I am Love. Invite Love into your life. Open your heart by visualizing a rainbow coming from your heart to the heart of your true Love. Go with your instinct, you might pray, meditate, or visualize. Reminder that the magic spell is in the intention, set a powerful one.

If you are a twin flame, you might take a bath with your twin’s soul intending to infuse more Love into your union without expecting your physical twin to show up to your door with flowers. Simply invite your twin’s soul in, they’re always with you and will love to connect. Talking to their higher self or soul is not violating their physical free will and they are always available for you.

If you are in a current union this will be fun because you should already have permission to fantasize with them and invite them into your dream. Imagine that you welcome them into the bath and you just hold each other while you send them unconditional Love.

This would be a powerful practice for the coming eclipse!

Please let me know how this goes for you, and let me know if you enjoyed this type of post.

With Love and light,
