Pisces energy. Part 2. How are non Pisces people feeling?

Dear Lovestar,

I live in Arizona in the desert, and we hardly see a difference between seasons. It’s mostly very hot! In the winter, it gets cold and early spring, it goes from cold to hot. There’s no warm, perfect weather. It’s not spring yet, but flowers are starting to sprout everywhere.

I had a lot of fun unpacking the themes I have noticed this Pisces season, now, I will continue with part 2.

Read part 1 of this series through this link:

I started this post with a poem about the Pusces energy

In my first post, IΒ  told you how good I’m doing in this energy. Obviously, I’m a Pisces, and I’m at home in this energy. I’m feeling more creative than ever, I’m energetic, I’m getting lots accomplished, my love life is great, and I’m feeling abundant right now, today I’m feeling so happy and I’ve been feeling happier than usual this season.

For this post, I’m investigating how non Pisces people might feel at this time.Β I have analyzed common behaviors of other people who are not Pisces people.

This energy is excellent for creativity, research, study, writing, arts and crafts, derogatory connection, prayer, meditation, manifestation, and contemplation.  This energy might show up as one or more of the list items below:

Are you feeling any of these?

  • Sleepy
  • Tired
  • Unable to sleep
  • Waking up in the middle of the night
  • Too many feelings/ sadness/Β  crying for no reason
  • Feeling grateful and being able to express gratitude πŸ₯Ή πŸ™ ✨️
  • Very quiet or no speaking friends or environment that feels even boring due to extreme quieteness?
  • People who are always playing music might not be playing music suddenly (quiet shhh)
  • Not much work getting done
  • Smiling and smiley faces. My lover and I look at each other and smile now ☺️ πŸ’• 😍

What else are you noticing? How to best navigate this energy?

With love and light,


Is March the most romantic month of the year? Energy of Pisces = Romance. 😊 πŸ™ πŸ€—

Dear Lovestar,


The energy of the Pisces
Is it mermaids at high seas?
Or is it a mental crisis?

As far as my eyes can see,
And as far as my heart feels,
All of my senses perceive
Romance and eternal bliss,
Making love and making peace.

Eve Lovestar

The energy of Pisces = Romance is what I realized in my analysis of the current energy by observing and analyzing the recent events in my life and my lover’s life. As a Pisces woman, you’re welcome.

Note: I might be biased as a Pisces woman and as a romantic poet. These events might be the result of our karma and our inner work. There is no guarantee that these events will happen in your life, but in my belief, the current energy can trigger these if you’re ready and open to receive.

I have noticed a few themes this March, and I wanted to share them. All of these themes are possible now. All happened in my house, some more than once. There is one current theme, ROMANCE. I believe March is even more romantic than February. What do you think?

Continue reading “Is March the most romantic month of the year? Energy of Pisces = Romance. 😊 πŸ™ πŸ€—”

5 Simple Ways to Love More Today

Dear Lovestar,

Love is a force that enriches our lives, connects us to others, and brings joy and fulfillment. While grand gestures and extravagant displays of affection have their place, true love often thrives in the simplicity of everyday moments. Here are five simple ways to cultivate deeper connections and love more fully today:

**1. Practice Active Listening:**
Truly hearing and understanding someone is one of the most profound acts of love. Take the time to listen attentively to your loved ones without interrupting or judging. Show empathy and validation by acknowledging their feelings and experiences. By making others feel heard and valued, you strengthen your bonds and deepen your relationships.

**2. Express Gratitude:**
Take a moment to appreciate the people in your life and the love they bring. Express gratitude for their presence, their kindness, and the little things they do that make a difference. Whether it’s a heartfelt thank-you note, a spontaneous hug, or a sincere compliment, expressing gratitude fosters warmth and connection in relationships.

**3. Show Affection Through Actions:**
Small gestures of affection can speak volumes. Show your love through simple acts of kindness, such as preparing a favorite meal, offering a comforting embrace, or lending a helping hand. These gestures demonstrate thoughtfulness, care, and consideration, strengthening the bond between you and your loved ones.

**4. Be Present in the Moment:**
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in distractions and obligations. Take the time to be fully present with your loved ones, giving them your undivided attention and affection. Put away your devices, engage in meaningful conversations, and create cherished memories together. Being present allows you to deepen your connections and savor the beauty of each moment.

**5. Cultivate Self-Love:**
Loving deeply starts from within. Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually, honoring your needs and nurturing your well-being. Practice self-compassion, embrace your strengths and imperfections, and prioritize self-care activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. By loving and accepting yourself wholeheartedly, you’ll be better equipped to love others deeply and authentically.

Incorporating these simple practices into your daily life can foster deeper connections, enrich your relationships, and infuse your world with more love and meaning. Remember, love is not just a feelingβ€”it’s a choice and a commitment to nurturing the bonds that matter most. So, dive deeper, embrace love in all its forms, and let your heart shine brightly today and every day.

Was this helpful?

With love and light,


Why I am sad today journaling exercise, the wisdom in journaling, and Frozen references

Dear diary,

I became sad today. Just out of nowhere came a heaviness, and then my vibe sank.

Sometimes, I don't feel well
Whether I show it or not.
Some feelings I can't explain
Some energies I don't translate.
When I get in my own way
I simply go away and cry
My eyes put, all alone.

Was it really out of nowhere? I was listening to a fabulous Mel Robbins podcast about attachment styles that explained how they relate to our childhood traumas and the core wounds of every style. The podcast was so good that I took notes, and I might have figured out my own attachment style. It should have been a moment of joy at discovering such a huge part of me. Additionally, Mel’s guest explained that we can actually change our attachment style, which is very empowering, and that was the first time I heard that.

However, rather than feeling empowered, out of me came a heaviness.

Is it because my birthday is coming and I feel strangely alone?

Am I being crushed under my own high expectations of me?

Is my cup empty?

All I know is I felt so sad today that I was unable to cook dinner.

Is it because I’m being reminded of my dad wound that was opened wide last year at around this same time. A wound that destroyed my birthday last year and lasted so long that I was unable to enjoy my child’s birthday also?

And then my lover shows up and asks:

Is it because I’m pregnant? I will be taking a pregnancy test.

Or is it because I need to do more healing? Always

Either way, between Olaf and my beloved Scorpio, I was in a good place again.

And then I'm well again:
After journaling,
And the creation of poetry
I am well again.
With word play I found the power
To keep going again.
My beloved shared his energy
With me and we made love.
I wore crystals,
I wore yellow,
And this powered me to go
Well beyond where I was stuck
In my mind.
I then spent lots of time
In the sun
And I talked to the people I Love.
I am happy again.
All is well.

Dear friend,

I do my best to be a positive influence on the internet to somewhat balance the negative influences.

However, acting as though I’m always happy would be dishonest, and I don’t want to lie to you.

I don’t have this figured out, and that is why I journal. Why am I so bold to journal publicly, often exposing secrets? It saves me time because I don’t have to write something else to post here and also because some of my best wisdom comes this way. There’s a power in journaling that might be more powerful than poetry.

On that topic, and away from my feelings, journaling precedes poetry! If you aspire to be a poet or want to make your poetry better, start journaling! This is the wisdom I was referring to and why journaling is so powerful. It pulls information out of us. It translates our baggage into text, and it’s so healing.

Poems are like spells

If you asked me how to be happy, I’d tell you to journal and read good poetry! But I’m not a happiness expert!

I’m a Love expert, though. I made myself laugh. My Muses are funny, too! This reminded me of the movie Frozen when Christoff tells Ana and Olaf his family members, who are trolls, are love experts, and Olaf hilariously says he is a love expert! That is my favorite part of that movie. My favorite part in the second movie is when Olaf, the wisest character in the movir, explains to Elsa that water has memory, and with that knowledge, her powers increased, an epic moment in the movie. We’re in the Elsa topic because Olaf makes me smile. When I drew Elsa about 6 years ago, I racked my brains, trying to figure out the main lesson in the movie. It wasn’t, I found, any of the catchy lines from the songs. The line I wrote in my picture was Love Thaws. That is the main lesson from the first movie.

I have much more to learn about love, too! I guess I’m not an expert at all

Unlocking the power of Love: How the energy of love could transform the world

Dear Lovestar,

What is the transformational power of love? Love could transform our lives, and there’s no doubt about that. But there is more.

Today, I’m thinking of Love as a divine energy that some of us are able to tap into, but not everyone. My personal belief is that love can improve the world. How?

  • If we’re a vessel for love, we can share this love energy wherever we go, making the world a better place
  • If we are in love or have love in our lives, including self-love, we will be more relaxed, happier, much more able to deal with conflict, and better equipped for interpersonal relationships, thus making the world a better place by making our world a better place
  • If we make decisions with love every day, we would make much better decisions that would have a more positive impact on the world

Love is often regarded as a profoundly personal emotion, confined to the realm of romantic relationships or familial bonds. However, its impact extends far beyond the individual, reaching into our communities, workplaces, and the world at large. In a time where division and discord seem to dominate headlines, harnessing the power of love has never been more crucial.

Here, we explore how various forms of loveβ€”romantic, familial, self-love, and love in the workplaceβ€”can catalyze positive change and offer simple steps for anyone to contribute to a better world.

**1. Romantic Love:**

Romantic love is perhaps the most celebrated form of love, yet its potential to influence the world often goes unrecognized. When two individuals come together in love, they have the capacity to inspire each other, support growth, and foster resilience. Moreover, love teaches us empathy, compassion, and compromiseβ€”qualities that are essential for building harmonious societies. Additionally, it is a far better experience for children growing in the home when there’s an energy of love between the parents. When the children grow, they will improve the condition of the world if they have inherited the divine energy of love.

*Easy Steps:*
   – Practice active listening and open communication with your partner. You will gain skills that you will be able to use in situations with others that can have a positive impact on your relationships and community.
   – Cultivate gratitude for the small gestures and moments shared together. Get so used to feeling gratitude that you extend the feeling outside your romantic relationship.
   – Extend kindness and affection not only to your partner but also to strangers and acquaintances.

**2. Family Love:**

Family serves as the cornerstone of society, providing love, stability, and support. The bonds formed within families create a ripple effect that can influence generations to come. By nurturing strong family ties, we cultivate values of empathy, respect, and responsibility, which are essential for creating a more compassionate world. It’s easy to see how a great family has a positive effect on the community, which is our world. Similarly, we all know toxic family dynamics deeply would individuals who might be brokenhearted even for life which does not make the world a better place.

*Easy Steps:*
   – Spend quality time with family members, engaging in meaningful conversations and activities.
   – Express appreciation and affection regularly to strengthen familial bonds.
   – Practice forgiveness and understanding during times of conflict or disagreement.

**3. Self-Love:**

Self-love forms the foundation upon which all other forms of love are built. When we prioritize self-care and acceptance, we become better equipped to love others and contribute positively to the world around us. Moreover, self-love empowers us to set healthy boundaries, pursue our passions, and strive for personal growth.

*Easy Steps:*
   – Practice self-care rituals that nourish your body, mind, and soul, such as meditation, exercise, or creative expression. Being relaxed and happy will help you positively impact the world.
   – Challenge self-critical thoughts and cultivate self-compassion through affirmations and positive self-talk. As you get used to doing
   – Set aside time for activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, without guilt or obligation. Invite others into joyous and fulfilling activities for a bigger impact.

**4. Love in the Workplace:**

The majority of our waking hours are spent in the workplace, making it a prime environment for fostering love and connection. When coworkers operate from a place of mutual respect, collaboration, and support, productivity flourishes, and innovation thrives. Additionally, a culture of love in the workplace promotes employee well-being, reduces stress, and impacts the world in a positive way.

*Easy Steps:*

– Practice kindness and acceptance of other’s personalities. Learn not to complain unless needed. Be strong and don’t give in to any activities that would lower your vibe.
   – Be a love leader in the workplace. For some odd reason, people are okay showing their toxic love ways at work. Exude the energy of love everywhere, including in the workplace. I do as much as possible. I’m not afraid to show I’m a lover. I’m not afraid to show I’m in love. I’m not afraid to talk about many of these topics with coworkers and acquaintances.
   – Stand up against gossip and drama in the workplace. It’ll make the drama queens uncomfortable, but it will teach lessons, release drama, and relieve you and those who are being attacked by malicious gossip. In general, it’ll make the workplace a better place for all, and the idea is that people will be so positively affected that they’ll take some of that positive energy into the other parts of their life, thus contributing to a better world for all.

With love,

Eve inspired

Poems are vehicles for energy part 2: The energy in Eve’s poetry

Dear Lovestar,

I am doing a new thing today!

As promised, on this post I will do an in-depth analysis of my own poetry.

I am doing this (I have wanted to do this for a while) to expose the different energies behind poetry. Poetry is cool to me because it is so concise and to the point. But poetry is so powerful that there are always hidden parts that could get lost if there is no interpretation and analysis.

In my homeland (Cuba) we had a crazy saying suggesting that the smallest perfume bottle is most potent as well as the smallest poison bottle is most deadly (I don’t know where this crazy, dark last part came from, I will assume it was a Scorpio who thought of that last part) and this is how I see poetry.

A poem is a tiny container that packs a very large energetic punch. Poets craft their art very carefully. We carefully weave our emotions, feelings, strength, our beliefs, experiences, and our energy together with a lesson we would like to teach. We can also channel some energy that is not ours and embedded it into the poems we write. This is how come a poem can literally be transformational. The poem below has a transformational quality to it because it inspires positive change…

Fear Exists: The inspirational poetry

The poem “fear exists” carries a strong and assertive energy, evoking themes of courage, resilience, and defiance in the face of fear. Let’s break down the energy of the poem:

  1. Assertiveness: The poem opens with a bold and assertive statement, suggesting that fear serves a purposeβ€”to halt the actions of those who lack courage. This assertiveness sets a tone of determination and conviction, indicating that the speaker is not afraid to confront fear head-on.
  2. Empowerment: The phrase “stop the cowards” suggests a sense of empowerment and agency. Rather than being controlled or overwhelmed by fear, the speaker implies that individuals have the power to overcome it and take action despite its presence.
  3. Challenge: The poem poses a challenge to the reader, urging them to confront their own fears and push past their limitations. It suggests that fear should not be a barrier to progress or growth but rather a catalyst for bravery and self-discovery.
  4. Resilience: There is a resilience inherent in the poem’s message, as it implies that fear can be conquered through courage and determination. The energy of the poem is one of resilience in the face of adversity, encouraging the reader to persevere in the pursuit of their goals and aspirations.
  5. Motivation: Overall, the poem carries a motivational energy, inspiring the reader to confront their fears and embrace the inherent challenges of life with courage and fortitude. It encourages a proactive approach to fear, viewing it not as a hindrance but as an opportunity for personal growth and transformation.
  6. Gratitude: This is hardly the case; however, this daring poem expresses a sort of gratitude for fear itself. We grow when we experience fear and do what we have to do anyways.

In summary, the energy of the poem “fear exists to stop the cowards” is one of assertiveness, empowerment, challenge, resilience, and motivation. It conveys a powerful message about the nature of fear and the potential for courage to overcome it, urging the reader to embrace bravery in the face of adversity.

Perfect Me: The Union poetry

This poem is transformational because it asserts that my imperfection and constant feeling and fearing my weaknesses are not something to worry about in love, because to my flame, I am perfect and further, I believe I am the most perfect woman for this man ands viceversa, of course.

carries a sense of spiritual contemplation and self-reflection, exploring themes of divinity, destiny, and self-acceptance. Let’s examine the energy of the poem:

  1. Connection to God: The poem suggests a deep spiritual connection between the individual and a higher power, referred to as “God.” This connection implies a sense of predestination or divine purpose in the creation of the self.
  2. Union: This poem implies that the beloved had a hand in our creation, that is why they love us so much. We might not be perfect, but we are perfect for them.
  3. Self-Reflection: The poem prompts the reader to reflect on their own existence and identity. It invites contemplation of the idea that one’s attributes and qualities are part of a divine plan, crafted with intention before birth.
  4. Sense of divine Wonder: There’s a sense of wonder and awe conveyed in the poem’s exploration of the self and its relationship to a divine creator. The idea that one’s existence was designed by God suggests a profound sense of reverence and gratitude for the intricacies of life.
  5. Self-Acceptance and Self-Love: The poem implies a message of self-acceptance and self-love. By suggesting that the self was designed to be perfect by God, it encourages the reader to embrace their unique qualities and inherent worth.
  6. Spiritual Empowerment: There’s an empowering energy in the poem’s message that suggests the individual is a deliberate creation, imbued with purpose and significance. This empowerment encourages the reader to recognize their own agency and potential for greatness.
  7. Fate: This piece clearly states that I was made to order for my beloved, implying that fate was involved in our meeting. This is 100 percent how I feel about my connection. It is true that I am perfect for this man. I am not even sure how he could relate to other women, honestly because his needs are very specific, however, mysteriously, I can meet his needs!

Overall, the energy of the poem is one of spiritual reflection, wonder, acceptance, and empowerment. It invites the reader to contemplate their connection to a divine creator and to embrace their own inherent worth and potential.

My Desire For You: The Love Poetry

The energy of this poem is one of passion, longing, and growth. Let’s explore its energy in more detail:

  1. Passion and Longing: The repetition of the phrase “My desire for you” emphasizes the intensity of my passion and longing. There’s a fervent energy in the repetition, suggesting that my desire is unwavering and deeply felt.
  2. Perpetual Growth: The poem conveys a sense of continual growth and evolution. The lines “My desire for you will only grow” and “My desire for you has made me grow” indicate that my desire for the beloved is not static but rather dynamic, driving personal development and transformation.
  3. Persistence: There’s a persistent energy in the poem, as I declare that my desire for my beloved will never wither. This persistence suggests a steadfast commitment and determination to nurture and sustain our feelings over time.
  4. Positive Influence: The poem suggests that my desire for my beloved has had a positive influence on my life. The line “My desire for you has made me better” implies that the intensity of my feelings has led to personal growth and improvement.
  5. Emotional Depth: Overall, the energy of the poem is one of emotional depth and vulnerability. My declaration of desire conveys a sense of honesty and authenticity, inviting the reader to connect with the raw intensity of their emotions.

In summary, the energy of the poem is characterized by its passionate longing, perpetual growth, persistence, positive influence, and emotional depth. It captures the transformative power of desire and its profound impact on my life and identity.

Interdimensional travel: The Sex Poetry

This poem has a transformational quality to it because in it, I, the writer, accept to follow my sexual leader and I playfully enjoy this. It is a word play with a lot of meaning. This poem asserts that I do not have to be in control of everything and allowing someone else to take control of a situation can actually be empowering.

The energy of this poem is one of adventure, exploration, and escape through cosmic lovemaking, let’s call it that! Let’s delve into its sexual energy:

  1. Adventure and Exploration: The poem evokes a sense of adventure and exploration as I describe being taken to the edge of what exists, past planets, and into the future. This journey suggests a thrilling and daring escapade into the unknown.
  2. Spiritual Freedom and Spiritual Liberation: The poem conveys a feeling of liberation and freedom as the I am transported to different worlds and dimensions. The imagery of being taken “past the planets where I’m free” suggests a release from earthly constraints and limitations.
  3. Imagination and Dreams: There’s a dreamlike quality to the poem as the I am transported to the future and my dreams. This journey taps into the realm of imagination and possibility, inviting the reader to envision new horizons and possibilities.
  4. Fantasy: There is an air of fantasy in this piece. I am Pisces, and I understand this energy very well. First, there is the physical facts, lower there is what we can dream with these physical facts which are also limitations. I believe fantasizing is excellent in the context of creativity and in the context of love.
  5. Partnership, Connection, Union: The relationship between me and my pilot is one of partnership and connection. I entrust myself to the pilot’s guidance, suggesting a bond of trust and mutual understanding between them. There is a rather submissive tone.
  6. Engagement and Participation: The poem concludes with an invitation to “engage in interdimensional travel,” implying an active participation in the journey. This invitation suggests a willingness to embrace the unknown and embark on a shared adventure together.
  7. Power dynamics: This poem clearly states that the pilot is in charge of the sexual experience while the ship is excited to be driven around the galaxies and her inner world. There is a dreamy quality that is warm and adds another layer to this love.
  8. Union: Only in union there would be this much excitement about trusting one’s beloved. One’s beloved is revered on this poem and I’m reassuring him that he really knows what he is doing.

Overall, the energy of the poem is one of excitement, curiosity, and wonder over lovemaking with the beloved. It invites the reader to join the speaker on a journey of exploration and discovery, where the boundaries of reality are transcended, and new possibilities await.

Half Good: The Sex Poetry

This poem was transformational because it asserted that he liked my rather naughty and rebellious nature, which he does, it was a breath of fresh air. Backstory of this poem: I totally asked Scorpio if he liked me because I was good (dainty Pisces, I always wanted to be a very good girl). Scorpio shocked me by maybe joking that what he liked was that I was half good only. My jaw dropped and I assumed he was referring to our passionate sexual encounters.

This poem has been my most shared piece and the one I have most admired with the art, the details, and the burnt edges that gave it such an edge. Well, this year (only 6 years since I wrote this monumental piece) he has rectified his speech and he told me he did not really mean that! Well, it’s too late! lol Since this period, my life has changed, I became Lovestar started this blog, had 2 more children, and have gone on to write the most transformational poems I have ever experienced. I know I’m biased, but I write these poems for me first, I do love to share them with you, but this is my energy and Scorpio’s energy on these lines.

The energy of this poem carries a sense of playful irreverence and self-assurance. Let’s break down its themes and emotional resonance:

  1. Playful Irreverence: The poem opens with a light-hearted tone, cheekily asserting what my lover does and does not want in a partner. This tone of playful irreverence sets the stage for a more candid exploration of my identity.
  2. Rejection of Traditional Expectations: The poem challenges conventional expectations of what makes a desirable partner. Instead of conforming to societal norms of “good” or “bad” behavior, the speaker asserts their own unique identity and refuses to be constrained by categorizations.
  3. Self-Acceptance: The poem celebrates the speaker’s acceptance of their own identity, flaws and all. By asserting that they are “only half good,” the speaker embraces their imperfections and complexities, suggesting a healthy sense of self-awareness and confidence.
  4. Confidence and Assertiveness: There’s a sense of confidence and assertiveness in my declaration of self-worth. Rather than seeking validation or approval from others, I assert my value and worthiness of love on my own terms.
  5. Humor and Charm: The poem’s charm lies in its witty wordplay and humorous twist on traditional romantic tropes. My assertion that my appeal lies in being “only half good” is both humorous and endearing, inviting the reader to appreciate their authenticity and wit.
  6. A sexual tone: The reader can easily guess that I am referring to the bedroom when I say I am “half bad”. This poem doesn’t talk about being good or bad in the traditional sense. In this poem, bad can be replaced by naughty.

Overall, the energy of the poem is one of playful self-assurance and confidence. It celebrates individuality and rejects conventional expectations in favor of self-acceptance and authenticity. The poem’s light-hearted tone and clever wordplay make it both engaging and charming, leaving a lasting impression on the me for sure! Top 5. I must choose my favorite poetry.

What did you think about this post? Was this helpful? Would you like to see more like this?

Or did you feel like you were back in school? Did you have to analyze poetry in school like me?

Thank you for reading,

With gratitude for your presence,

Eve, planning new topics and a comeback to basics at the same time…

A poem is a vehicle of energy from the poet to the reader. How to gauge your favorite poem’s energy

Dear Lovestar,

I have talked, rather teased about the energy transported in a poem for a while. I just read my old post “Manifest your highest love with romantic poetry”. The old post was short and concise, the new post about it goes more in depth. Read below and please comment and let me know your thoughts about this topic.

On this post I shared poetry with a flavor of expectation (which is different than hope) of new love and explained how to use poetry to manifest love.

The flavor of poetry and Eve’s favorite flavors

The idea of “flavor” in poetry I’m using metaphorically to describe its overall mood, tone, and emotional resonance. In this metaphorical sense, the flavor of a poem refers to its distinctive character, atmosphere, and the sensations it evokes in the reader. I have been a poetry reader for much longer than a poet and I speak of the feelings Neruda, Marti, and Benedetti awakened in me.

For example, a poem might have a “bitter” flavor if it explores themes of loss, betrayal, or disillusionment, while a “sweet” flavor might indicate a poem that celebrates love, beauty, or joy. Similarly, a “spicy” poem might be one filled with passion, intensity, or conflict, while a “refreshing” poem might evoke feelings of renewal, hope, or inspiration.

What is your favorite poetry flavor? Mine is sweet, and spicy. OMG I wrote a poem long ago (before I became Lovestar) called:

The energy in poetry

Poets weave their energy, traumas, inspiration, positivity, and other positive traits into their poetry through a combination of personal experience, creative expression, and a desire to connect with others. This is why you want to trust your favorite poet and use poets as an energetic resource rather than a source of entertainment, though we might be entertaining.

I am suggesting that poetry is a vehicle which transports energy from the poet to the reader (I have been both, so I understand this process better than most) and you want to know if you’re getting “downloads” of your favorite poet’s trauma or joy.

How to gauge the energy of a poem

You can know if the poem’s energy is of trauma or joy by feeling into the poem. Ask yourself these questions about a specific poem: What resonates with you about this poem? What feelings does it evoke in you? Simply put, is it making you feel sad? Is it making you feel better? Is it offering understanding? Is it offering a new point of view? Did it inspire change? Did it make you feel powerful? Did it teach you something? Did you discover something about yourself while reading it? Did it make you smile? Did it offer a new thought?

Gauging the energy of a poem involves assessing its emotional intensity, thematic resonance, and overall impact on the reader. Here are some ways to gauge the energy of a poem:

  1. Emotional Tone: Consider the emotional tone of the poem. Does it evoke feelings of joy, sadness, anger, love, or nostalgia? Pay attention to the language, imagery, and tone used by the poet to convey emotions. The intensity and depth of these emotions can give insight into the energy of the poem.
  2. Rhythmic and Sonic Qualities: Pay attention to the poem’s rhythm, meter, and sound patterns. Is the poem fast-paced and energetic, or slow and contemplative? Notice the use of repetition, alliteration, and other sonic devices that contribute to the poem’s musicality and cadence. These rhythmic qualities can contribute to the overall energy of the poem.
  3. Imagery and Symbolism: Examine the imagery and symbolism used in the poem. Do the images and symbols evoke vivid sensory experiences? Are they rich in metaphorical meaning? The potency and evocativeness of the imagery can impact the energy of the poem, adding layers of depth and resonance.
  4. Thematic Content: Consider the themes and subject matter explored in the poem. Is the poem focused on universal human experiences, such as love, death, nature, or identity? Or does it delve into more specific or personal themes? The thematic content of the poem can contribute to its emotional and intellectual energy.
  5. Reader Response: Pay attention to your own response to the poem. How does it make you feel? Does it provoke thought, stir your emotions, or inspire reflection? Your personal reaction to the poem can provide valuable insight into its energy and impact.
  6. Context and Intention: Consider the historical, cultural, and personal context in which the poem was written. What was the poet’s intention in creating the poem? How does the poem fit into the broader context of the poet’s body of work or literary tradition? Understanding the context and intention behind the poem can deepen your appreciation of its energy and significance.

By considering these factors, you can gain a deeper understanding of the energy of a poem and its power to move, inspire, and resonate with readers.

By tapping into their own inner world and the world around them, poets create work that is not only deeply meaningful but also uplifting and transformative for both them and their audience.

How poets weave their energy into their poetry:

  1. They may use their own experiences as fuel for their creativity, transforming raw emotions and lived experiences into poetic expression. By channeling their energy and emotions into their poetry, poets can create work that is deeply personal and resonant.
  2. Poets use language in innovative and evocative ways to convey their inner world and emotional landscape. They may experiment with different forms, styles, and techniques to capture the essence of their experiences and emotions.
  3. Poets often explore recurring themes and motifs in their work, reflecting their values, beliefs, and perspectives on life. Positive traits such as resilience, hope, love, and compassion may manifest as central themes in their poetry, offering messages of inspiration and upliftment to readers.
  4. For many poets, writing poetry is a form of self-expression and catharsis. It can be a way to process and make sense of their experiences, including traumas and challenges. Through the act of writing, poets may find healing, transformation, and a sense of empowerment, which can imbue their poetry with a sense of resilience and positivity.
  5. Poets often find inspiration in the world around them, including nature, art, literature, and human relationships. They may observe moments of beauty, kindness, and connection in everyday life and translate these experiences into poetry. By focusing on the positive aspects of existence, poets can infuse their work with a sense of wonder, gratitude, and appreciation for life.
  6. Poets have a unique ability to empathize with others and connect on a deep emotional level. They may use their poetry to offer solace, encouragement, and understanding to readers who may be experiencing similar challenges or emotions. By sharing their own vulnerabilities and triumphs, poets can create a sense of solidarity and shared humanity in their work.

The poem’s energy is the poet’s energy (unless the poem is “downloaded but let’s leave that topic for another time now…)

I have said before: Trust your poet. Please don’t be extreme with this. You will not know the intention of the author when they wrote the piece but taste the energy and ask this energy if it will benefit you or be detrimental. Will the poem trigger growth? Will the poem trigger pain? Follow the poets who uplift and inspire you, follow the poet’s whose energy manifests good things into your life.

My poetry is not necessarily for people who are depressed about love who are not trying to “upgrade” their love life. The energy I intend to transfer to you in my poetry is Love, light, healing, inspiration, manifestation, creation, Union, Divine Love, etc.

A poet’s energy is transported in their poetry through various elements such as language, imagery, rhythm, and emotion. Here’s how these components contribute to the transmission of a poet’s energy:

  1. Language: The choice of words, their arrangement, and the linguistic devices used by the poet convey their energy. The language can be vibrant, evocative, and rich, reflecting the intensity of the poet’s emotions and thoughts.
  2. Imagery: Poets often use vivid imagery to paint pictures with words, allowing readers to visualize and experience what the poet is expressing. This imagery carries the poet’s energy by engaging the senses and creating a sensory experience for the reader.
  3. Rhythm and Sound: The rhythm, meter, and sound patterns in poetry influence its flow and cadence, creating a musicality that can resonate with readers on an emotional level. The poet’s energy is transmitted through the rhythmic structure of the poem, whether it’s through the gentle lilt of a sonnet or the raw power of free verse.
  4. Emotion: Emotion is at the heart of poetry, and poets often infuse their work with their own feelings, experiences, and passions. The intensity of these emotions can be palpable in the words chosen, the imagery crafted, and the overall tone of the poem, allowing the poet’s energy to resonate with readers.
  5. Theme and Subject Matter: The themes and subjects explored in a poet’s work also contribute to the transmission of their energy. Whether it’s love, nature, politics, or spirituality, the poet’s personal connection to these themes infuses their poetry with a particular energy that reflects their perspective and worldview.
  6. Authenticity and Voice: A poet’s authenticity and unique voice are essential in conveying their energy through their poetry. When poets write from a place of sincerity and truth, their energy shines through, creating a genuine connection with readers.

A poem is a vehicle for energy

A poem can be thought of as a vehicle of energy because it serves as a conduit through which the poet’s emotions, thoughts, and experiences are transmitted to the reader. Here’s how a poem acts as a vehicle of energy:

  1. Emotional Transmission: Poems often encapsulate the poet’s emotions, whether it’s joy, sorrow, love, anger, or longing. These emotions are conveyed through the choice of words, imagery, and tone. When a reader engages with a poem, they experience a transfer of these emotions, as if the poet’s energy is flowing through the lines of the poem into their own consciousness.
  2. Intellectual Engagement: Beyond emotions, poems can also convey intellectual energy. Poets explore complex ideas, philosophical concepts, and societal issues through their work. When readers encounter these ideas in a poem, they are prompted to think deeply, analyze, and interpret, thereby engaging with the intellectual energy embedded in the poem.
  3. Sensory Experience: Through vivid imagery and descriptive language, poems create a sensory experience for the reader. Readers can visualize scenes, hear sounds, smell scents, and feel textures described in the poem. This sensory immersion enhances the reader’s connection to the poem and amplifies the energy being conveyed.
  4. Rhythmic Resonance: The rhythmic structure of a poem contributes to its energy. Meter, rhyme, and cadence create a musicality that can evoke strong emotional responses in readers. The rhythmic flow of a poem can mirror the natural rhythms of speech or evoke a sense of urgency, passion, or tranquility, thus influencing the energy that the reader perceives.
  5. Universal Connection: Poems often tap into universal themes and experiences that resonate across cultures and time periods. By exploring themes such as love, death, nature, and human existence, poems create a bridge between the poet and the reader, fostering a sense of connection and shared energy.
  6. Transformative Potential: A powerful poem has the ability to evoke change in the reader. It can inspire, challenge, comfort, or provoke reflection. Through this transformative potential, a poem becomes a vehicle for the transmission of energy that can impact the reader on a deeply personal level.

In summary, a poem serves as a vehicle of energy by conveying the poet’s emotions, thoughts, and experiences, engaging the reader intellectually and emotionally, creating a sensory experience, resonating with rhythmic patterns, fostering universal connection, and potentially inspiring transformation.

My intention is to inspire you to look at poetry differently. I would love to see a comment of someone totally getting this.

This has been a long not post, but article, so far.

On my next post, I shall speak of the energy that some of my poems convey.

What did you think about this rather literary post?

Would you like to see more like this on this blog? I know you love the poetry, and I am most honored, yet I love articles as well.

Thank you very much for reading, let’s talk tomorrow of the energy I am intending to transport to my reader on several of my pieces. I will start with this poem:

And I will continue with something romantic.

Thank you for your time, I appreciate your visit,

Eve, writing more poetry than ever before

The power of journaling


This is something I wrote on a journal. There was no planning or researching this, and journaling is even more powerful than simple thought keeping.

Sometimes, I blow myself away by the things that I write. I love to read an old piece of mine, written who knows how long ago and realize that I don’t think those thoughts today. It’s even better if I have no memory of those thoughts. I might ask myself, Did I write that?

Where did those thoughts come from? Where did they go? That’s something I love about having a journal, and in my case, to have a blog where I can unload those wonderful thoughts. My blog is my “secret” journal and, of course, any readers, just a figment of my imagination. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜‰ 😊

Perhaps these “downloads” are more frequent because I have these outlets. If this is the case, I should write and share more to get more insights.

Do I have a muse? Someone whispering these wonderful thoughts in my ear? Or is the thought stream conscious and searching for a matching frequency in a human? Either way, I am very grateful for this gift.


The power of conscious sex

Trigger alert! ⚠️🚨⚠️ I will be talking about unconscious sex!!! Read only if you will not have an unwanted response!

Sex can be many things. It can be sweet lovemaking. It can be deceptive, stolen, and sold. Sex can hurt, or it can heal. Sex can be very unconscious. But can sex be conscious?

Dear friend, I am not writing this post withΒ  judgment in my heart. I have settled for the lower vibing sex, too. Though I judge myself a bit because we tend to be stricter, tougher on ourselves than others, I am not judging your experience. My intention with this post is to debate this topic. I am journaling. I am also not putting conscious sex on a pedestal because I feel I appreciate conscious sex much more after experiencing unconscious sex.

What is conscious sex?

Sex can be very unconscious. So then, by contrast, there has to be conscious sex. Sex is obviously very private, and we don’t get to know, like we know people who are conscious about their diet, conscious about their speech, or conscious about their appearance, but many of the people we know should be engaging in conscious sex. And if they’re not, there’s something wrong with this world. I do believe there’s something wrong with this world, but I believe we can help balance the energies through conscious sex.

According to the dictionary, to be conscious is to be aware of and respond to our surroundings. In the context of sex, I would say conscious sex is when we engage in sex in a way that we are aware of what we’re doing. There are no tricks played, and both partners engage openly and willingly.  Responding to our surroundings during conscious sex sounds to me, like engaging with a positive intention, responding to our partner, being sensitive, and being open.

Being conscious can also mean being awake. Awake neaning aware, knowing something that some don’t know exist, to bring that which is unconscious into our consciousness. In the context of sex, and in a more spiritual light, I would say conscious sex can be to engage, knowing secrets about sex that are not available to all (if you have any such secrets, please blow the whistle on the comments). To engage in a ritualistic way (for the light). To perform sexual magic, etc.

Is conscious sex lovemaking? Conscious sex is lovemaking, but not all lovemaking is conscious.

My personal experience

I was all messed up when I was matched by the universe with my beloved twin flame. Previous to meeting him, I didn’t understand, appreciate, or love myself. Unfortunately,Β  when those things are lacking, we tend to give ourselves easier than when our self-love is strong.

I was also heartbroken from childhood trauma. My chakras were out of alignment. I was not my healthiest or most beautiful.

This was until my beloved worked his magic on me. I’m a different woman now that I’ve been touched by him. I believe he shone a light into me. It was a light so bright that anything that was not in alignment with it was obliterated. And so he blessed me from the inside out with the power of conscious sex. This is his superpower and the superpower of twin flame sex.

The power of conscious sex

Conscious sex heals. It can heal sexual trauma. It can even help heal us from sexual abuse.

Conscious sex helps us ascend. It shines a light on low vibing energies within the body and, therefore, it can raise our vibration.

Conscious sex can free us from heavy, ancestral energies, karma, and even curses. Set up a powerful intention as you engage.

Conscious sex is a powerful tool for manifestation. Using the energies of the exchange to create the world we want to live in and be a part of.

Conscious sex can create a beloved family.

Conscious sex is a way to connect to source, spirit, and the universe. It’s a prayer of love.

Conscious sex can help ascend the low sex vibes on Earth. The low vibes are all around us, and we’re all interacting with these energies. Through Conscious sex, just like it can support our bodies and get the low sex energies out of our bodies, so to can Conscious sex work the low sex energies in our planet until eventually, if we’re successful in our mission of love, one day there will be more Conscious than unconscious sex on Earth and healing will come. Sex will have ascended on Earth.

Please tell me on the comments of your experience or opinions about conscious sex.

Also, share how and what you manifest through conscious sex.

With love and light,


Using challenges for our ascension. Shadow dreams. Coyote spirit animal. 222 portal. Twin Flame Lovestars Podcast.

Hello friend, I had 2 crazy dreams in a row showing me secret hidden shadow and darkness within my subconscious. I unpacked these dreams, the energies, and what I know about these topics on my newest podcast episode, though the linkπŸ‘‡. I talked about info I received from my twin flame (he is a community of beings and I talked about that in this episode). I also talked about how to turn the challenges we’re experiencing during this 222 portal into healing experiences. And, as I saw another coyote, 2 during this portal, I read the meaning from my spirit song Tarot and it was very fitting to the topic of this episode. Thanks for listening and thank you for your support always,


To see the picture of this card and screenshot of the meaning from the book, click on the following link to read my previous post about this cards when I saw the first coyote or listen to the podcast.


Much Love,
